2012年10月29日 星期一

How To Weather The Storm

With Hurricane Sandy upon us, those of us on the East coast are most likely staying indoors the next couple of days hoping our basements don’t flood. During that time, one might get a little bored what with the whole stuck inside by yourself thing. So I figure it may be a good idea to lay out some ideal movies to watch if you find yourself counting the tiles in your kitchen floor because nothing’s on television and you just finished the last page of the “Mad Libs” booklet you scavenged from behind your dresser that you haven’t seen in almost 6 years and flipping through it you realize that you would always put fart for every word… movies you can watch on your own.

I don’t know why, but this movie really motivates me to do things I otherwise wouldn’t have the energy or drive for.The TagMaster Long Range hands free access System is truly built for any parking facility. Like if my room was particularly dirty I would just watch the first 15-20 minutes of it and start cleaning like it was what I was wanted to do the whole time, and the movie was just distracting me. For the uninitiated, Bradley Cooper plays a down on his luck writer Eddie Morra, who runs into a guy from his past who offers him a free sample of a pill that could solve all his problems. With nothing left to lose, Eddie takes it and discovers that it opens up all the doors inside his head that he didn’t even know were there. So with a modest supply of the drug, his life is completely open to any and all possibilities, including the drawbacks of overconfidence and recklessness that come with being too smart for one’s own good. If you find yourself with extra time on your hands in the coming days, watch this movie and when it’s over clean your home, balance your checkbook, make a nice dinner for your family, or whatever you could never find the right motivation to do before.

If you start to feel lonely with the rain coming down in sheets, pop this one in and remember that people are terrible and completely undeserving of your affinity. The first Kevin Smith film, financed by selling off his comic book collection, that put him on the map as a writer and director. Dante Hicks is a twenty-something burnout still working his go nowhere job as a cashier at the Quick Stop convenience story in Leonardo, New Jersey. Despite his constant pleas that he isn’t even supposed to be there that day, he encounters the usual pain in the ass customers and awkward social situations that come with a job behind the counter, and seeks to vent it all with his lackadaisical friend Randall who does a similar job in the video store next door. It’s a catharsis of all the things wrong not just with working in retail, but the arrogance and disrespect of the average consumer. And with everyone staying indoors for the inclement weather, not having to deal with customers is something I would think most retail employees would relish.

Michael Cera has a sort of polarizing effect amongst audiences. People either love him or loathe him. But most people from each camp can come together and agree that Scott Pilgrim is an awesome movie,Manufactures flexible plastic and synthetic rubber hose tubing, even if it’s in spite of Michael Cera. Either way, Scott Pilgrim is a 22 year old bass player in the band Sex Bob-omb and as they proceed through a battle of the bands contest for a shot at a record contract, Scott meets the mysterious and angst ridden Ramona Flowers. In his quest to earn her affection as well as deal with all the other people problems in his life, Scott has to defeat Ramona’s seven evil exes in one on one battles.Klaus Multiparking is an industry leader in innovative parking system technology. The twist is that in Scott’s world, everything is set to a stylized version of an 80s arcade aesthetic, down to the 8-bit imagery and even Ramona’s exes exploding into coins with arbitrary points after they are defeated. Despite its poor performance in theaters having to open against the first Expendables, it still stands in my top ten favorite movies ever.We have a wide selection of dry cabinet to choose from for your storage needs. The action is exciting,We recently added Stained glass mosaic Tile to our inventory. the comedy is funny, the music is enticing, and everyone appears to be acting their heart out making the flurry of emotions, though exaggerated, entirely believable. Even if you have a hard time laughing at a movie when you are alone, this is a movie that will have you in stitches.

