2011年6月1日 星期三

Water, water everywhere

In addition to high winds, the water that accompanies hurricanes can overwhelm a region. Geology

professor Dr. Venkat Lakshmi, a hydrometeorology expert, can discuss the impact of intense precipitation.

After Hurricane Katrina, Lakshmi conducted a study on flooding along the Gulf Coast and its impact. He

can discuss flash floods and the seriousness of flash-flood advisories, coastal erosion when sediment is

washed away and how the horizontal movement of wind and water changes the landscape.

How a storm changes marine organism health; pollution impacts of hurricanes
Dr. Pamela Morris is a marine microbial ecologist and research professor of the Belle W. Baruch Institute

for Marine and Coastal Sciences near Georgetown, S.C. She can address questions relating to the impact of

coastal storms on microbial community shifts related to changes in marine organism health status, the

identification of human and marine pathogen reservoirs and pollution impacts.

Coastal storm impacts on fish, shellfish and marsh animals
Dr. Dennis Allen is a research professor and resident director of the USC Baruch Marine Field Laboratory

on the coast in Georgetown, S.C. With more than 30 years of experience on the S.C. coast, and

professional interests in the ecology of fishes, shrimps, crabs, and less familiar animals of salt

marshes, estuaries, and the coastal ocean, he is available to discuss issues including threats and

impacts of coastal storms.

Storm impacts on water quality
Dr. Dianne Greenfield is a coastal marine scientist and an assistant professor with the Belle W. Baruch

Institute for Marine and Coastal Sciences near Georgetown, S.C, and she holds a joint appointment with

the Marine Resources Research Institute in Charleston. She can address questions relating to the effect

of storms on our coast and its ecology, especially water quality, algal blooms and nutrients.

Impact of storms on coastal ecology, salt marshes
Dr. Jim Morris is a coastal marine scientist and director of the Belle W. Baruch Institute for Marine and

Coastal Sciences near Georgetown, S.C. He can address questions relating to the effect of sea-level rise

and storms on our coast and its ecology, especially its salt marshes.

Impact of storm surge, flooding
Dr. George Voulgaris,a coastal oceanographer researcher, studies the wind-driven and tidal currents as

well as wave patterns along the South Carolina coast. He can discuss the effect of hurricanes on coastal

erosion and how a hurricane’s storm surge affects land. Since Hurricane Katrina, Voulgaris has been

studying the resilience of barrier islands along the Gulf Coast. In 2004, Voulgaris and his team of

researchers launched technology off the S.C. coast that provides real-time waves, currents and water

level information. This technology will enable marine scientists and state agencies to determine the

severity of a hurricane’s impact as the storm occurs. He also can talk about the dangers of flooding

during and after a hurricane.

